Paranormal Investigations and Research


Blessings, Cleansings, and Crossings


A blessing is just to remove any old unwanted energy from a person place or thing. When you move into a new home or you have been having a string of bad luck and you want to remove any negative energy that might be around, then you perform a blessing or have one performed for you. This can be done by the individual with sage and prayer if desired or members from Divine Paranormal can perform this for you. We can also have you join us and you can learn how you can perform these for yourself in the future.


A cleansing is done if there is activity in the home or business and you need to have it stop. The cleansing is done to remove all the negative spirits within the location and a blessing is done at the same time but without sage. Our cleansing is a level 2 exorcism also known as a simple exorcism. This is performed with prayer, holy water, blessed salt and anointing oil. The good spirits can stay if they like but the negative will have to leave during this ceremony.


A crossing is performed during an investigation when the spirits desire help in moving on. Mike will call upon his spirit guides and the archangels to come and assist them in moving into the light. Forgiveness is offered to the spirits and we try to get them to cross over to their loved ones.

If needed, after the crossing is performed, a more intense cleansing ceremony is also conducted to make sure that all spirits within the location are moved along. This cleansing is more intense than a normal cleansing.

Solar X-rays:
Geomagnetic Field:


Columbiana County Paranormal Investigators


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Places our members have investigated and/or researched:

Ashtabula Train Disaster

Ashtabula Train Disaster

Pioneer Boatman Memorial Cemetery

Pioneer Boatman Memorial Cemetery

Hill View Manor

Hill View Manor

Glenview Cemetery

Glenview Cemetery

Old Stage Coach Inn

Old Stage Coach Inn

The Queen Mary

The Queen Mary

Twin City Opera House

Twin City Opera House

Ohio State Reformatory

Ohio State Reformatory

Old Stagecoach Inn

Old Stagecoach Inn

Old Licking County Jail

Old Licking County Jail

Lakeview Cemetery

Lakeview Cemetery

President Garfield's Tomb

President Garfield's Tomb