Paranormal Investigations and Research


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Divine Paranormal Columbiana County Paranormal Investigators

Have you experienced strange unexplained happenings within your home or business? Do doors open or shut on their own? Do you get cold chills for no apparent reason? Do you hear strange sounds at night when you are the only one around? There could be logical explanations for all of these occurrences. You could just have an old dwelling and this is what they do when they get older. In fact, new buildings have it share of creeks and groans as it begins to settle into the earth.

However, there are those times when there may be something unexplainable or what is called paranormal that could be happening. By definition, the term paranormal means things that cannot be scientifically explained. Now, we all know that with the influx of television shows surrounding ghost hunting or paranormal investigations, that the awareness of paranormal activity has gained some popularity. Although it seems like every week there are ghosts or "scary" things being revealed on a regular basis, in reality having a haunting is somewhat rare.

To be certain that what you are experiencing is not a haunting and simply just nature and the environment playing tricks on your mind, this is where you would contact a seasoned paranormal investigator who can come in and perform some tests. These tests not only will check for explanations to the things you are experiencing, but can go beyond and check to see if there is actual paranormal activity.

After analyzing evidence, the investigator will then meet with you to go over what they have found and provide you with options and recommendations.

If anything else, a paranormal investigator and their team should be open minded and willing to sit and listen to you and what you are experiencing without any judgement.

Here is a list of items that could be explained by a spirit precence in your home or business:

  • The sound of footsteps on the stairs, halls, or in other rooms, which are experienced at regular intervals.
  • Cries, sobs, muted voices, heard at intermittent intervals.
  • The hearer's name called out by an unidentifiable source.
  • Loud noises such as bangs and crashes coming from unoccupied rooms.
  • Objects rising, hovering, and moving through the air.
  • Unaccountably missing personal or household items.
  • Windows, doors, cabinets, etc. that are known to be locked, are later found unlocked.
  • Feeling the touch of, or touching an unseen presence.
  • Cold spots, which are clearly defined areas where there is a sudden short marked decrease in temperature.
  • Spontaneously arising odors - either pleasant or unpleasant - that occur, then quickly disappear.
  • Sudden changes in the behavior of pets.
  • Unaccountable events beginning when remodeling or reconstructing the house and/or its foundations.
  • Unaccountable events beginning when new occupant(s) share the house.
  • Resident is aware of the feeling of being watched, or has disturbing dreams associated with the environment.
  • Seeing an apparition or fast moving shadows.
Solar X-rays:
Geomagnetic Field:


Columbiana County Paranormal Investigators


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Places our members have investigated and/or researched:

Ashtabula Train Disaster

Ashtabula Train Disaster

Pioneer Boatman Memorial Cemetery

Pioneer Boatman Memorial Cemetery

Hill View Manor

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Glenview Cemetery

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Old Stage Coach Inn

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The Queen Mary

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Twin City Opera House

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Ohio State Reformatory

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Old Stagecoach Inn

Old Stagecoach Inn

Old Licking County Jail

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